Sep 5, 2019
And this is where we intersect Practicing the Presence with Calling. Brother Lawrence prayed with his arms elbows deep in warm soapy water, doing dishes in a monastery kitchen.
Brother Lawrence was less interested in his calling or vocation and more interested in following closely behind Jesus.
Today, we have our own brand of static, the constant search for personal fulfillment and umpteen journals stamped with a rainbow and “Follow your dreams.” Dreams are important to pay attention to. The deep desires of our soul can often be signposts to God’s invitation. But, I wonder if sometimes in following our dreams, we’re actually losing sight of the Dream-Giver.
Often we slander the small, trashing the simple and beautiful act of offering, and worship the large.
But so much of our lives are serving in small ways.
And really, if we think about it, every big thing is made up of a thousand tiny faithfulnesses. “We ought not to be weary of doing little things for the love of God, who regards not the greatness of the work, but the love with which it is performed.”
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