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The Presence Project Podcast

Nov 23, 2022

Advent gives us time to remember that THIS is not the end of the story. This is not the end of your story or your child’s story, your marriage’s story, the church’s story, or our country’s story. Christ, our Beloved and our Victor, WILL return. Truthfully, it’s my favorite time of the church year. After all...

Nov 19, 2022

Bette Dickinson tells the story of how saying "yes" to enfleshing God's message of the Magnificat became one painting, then twenty-five, and then an entire Advent devotional. She also gives us an inside view on how her inner achiever was set free from striving so the Spirit could truly flow through her. 


Nov 10, 2022

We have a complicated relationship with desire and longing. Yes, our every cry is welcomed, but do we even want it to come up for daylight? Sometimes desire can feel vulnerable. Other times sharing can be a delight. What happens when we begin to recognize God has a new calling for us? In this episode I invited Beth...

Nov 2, 2022

You've heard the phrase, "name it to tame it?" When we name our emotions, the heaviness around our feelings suddenly lifts. In this episode, Alison L. Bradley and I talk through page 5 of the workbook I created for you outlining a four-step process to emotional resiliency. In it I give multiple tools to name,...

Oct 19, 2022

Some of these thoughts on resilience from Melody Ries have been breakthroughs for me. Here you can learn from my mom's spiritual director and her profound story. Neuroscience and Redemption. This conversation is full of gold.